Working in collaboration with Fresh Produce Training & Development, a specialist Fresh Produce Training Consultancy run by David Kennedy and Malcolm Laidlaw, i2 FAST proudly present a new one-day course on practical Crisis Management in Fresh produce.
Practical Crisis Management in Fresh Produce
Presented by David Kennedy/Malcolm Laidlaw
Date: 24th March 2022; 9.30am to 3.30pm
Venue : i2 FAST, Maxted House, Maxted Road, Hemel Hempstead, Herts. HP2 7DX
Cost : £280 plus VAT per delegate
Combines options of either Person or Virtual attendance
Includes: refreshments, lunch and a tour of laboratory facilities
Businesses invest considerable resources in their technical standards and day-to-day operations processes. But, no matter how well managed the standards and controls are operating within your business, there is always the risk of an issue arising, this is particularly relevant to fresh produce production. Pesticide Residue MRL exceedance, Food Pathogens such as Salmonella, Listeria and E coli 0157, Allergens, Labour Exploitation, Labelling Errors and Foreign Body Contamination to list but a few.
These events may have a significant economic impact – resulting in a loss of sales, destruction of product, adverse media/social media exposure, temporary or permanent closure, increased scrutiny by regulators, and potential legal actions.
They may also have long term effects on consumer confidence, create issues with market access, and ultimately challenge the viability of a business.
When an issue arises it is hopefully rare but it’s vital that it is investigated and managed effectively to meet customer and legal requirements. This course looks all these aspects to equip your staff to manage crisis situations
The course will cover the following areas:
Crisis Management
Principles and practice
Different types of crisis’s – from customer complaint to food poisoning outbreak
The Crisis Team
Dealing with Press, Legal Bodies and Customers
Resources you should have and support you might need.
Training your business and staff
Recalls and Withdrawals – what the difference and how do you manage – Implications to BRCGS accreditation
Practical Challenges – time zone, languages etc
We will look at some of the key concerns and action you can takes when managing specific crisis types and how to manage them
Pesticide Residues Exceedances and Illegal Pesticides
Food Pathogens and Food Poisoning Outbreaks
Labour Exploitation in house and in supply chain
Staff with Notifiable illness – e.g. Hepatitis B
Allergen and Toxic Contamination of Products
To register for this event, please click here
For further information contact
ACT now as there are only limited places available
“We have worked with i2 FAST since shortly after their inception – the team have ensured that the quality, innovation, flexibility and efficiency is delivered beyond measure. We are very happy with the service we receive from the i2 FAST team and the back-up of their extensive scientific knowledge.”