i2 FAST in association with Damian Hankin (HKN Food Safety) proudly presents a one-day course
9.30am to 3.00pm followed by a tour of the laboratory facilities
Venue: i2 FAST, Maxted House, Maxted Road, Hemel Hempstead, Herts. HP2 7DX
Cost: £175.00 plus VAT per delegate
Virtual attendance is also possible
Includes refreshments, lunch and a tour of laboratory facilities
To register, please click here
For delegates attending in person, all refreshments, lunch, and a tour of laboratory facilities is included.
Damian Hankin is an experienced and qualified BRC auditor with over 30 years’ experience of working in the food industry.
Ideally suitable for Food Technology professionals to support and build on their technical knowledge in environmental microbiological hazards and allergen risks within food production facilities.
This course will provide delegates with an understanding of the key components of an environmental monitoring programme, to identify potential microbiological and allergenic risks in production and open production areas; in addition to explaining different sampling methods, monitoring, trending, and allergenic cleaning validation of a food production facility
The event will be interactive, enabling delegates to question and verify their understanding throughout the training day. A formal record of attendance and certificate of completion for the course will be provided, to include in training records.
To register, please click here
For further information contact reception@i2fast.com
ACT now as there are only limited places available