Maximum Levels of Perchlorate in Foods - November 2019

The EU commission has voted favourably on the amendment to Regulation 1881/2006 stipulating maximum levels of perchlorate in produce and in certain foods.

In summary, Draft Regulation 10126/2019 adopts maximum level of Perchlorate in fruit and vegetables follows:

FoodstuffsMaximum level (mg/kg)
Perchlorate -
Fruits and vegetables 0.05
with the exception of: - Cucurbitaceae and kale0.10
with the exception of:- leaf vegetables and herbs 0.50
Tea (Camellia sinensis), dried Herbal and fruit infusions, dried0.75
Infant formula, follow-on formula, foods for special medical purposes intended for infants and young children and young child formula0.01
Processed cereal based food 0.01

This regulation will be adopted from the 1st April 2020.

Any products lawfully placed on the market prior to 1st April 2020 can be traded until their sell by date or minimum durability.

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